Academic & Career PlanningACP is intended to equip students and their families with the tools necessary to make more informed choices about postsecondary education, training, and careers for life after high school. It is part of DPI and the Prentice School District’s overall vision for every student to graduate high school academically, socially, emotionally, and life-ready.
Throughout middle and high school, students will explore their interests and career opportunities through a variety of ways, which include career and education fairs, college visit days, business tours, job shadows, and various activities using Xello, which is a college and career readiness software program. All students will create a portfolio that they will add to during their middle and high school years.
Once a month, students will use their Xello accounts to complete various activities to help them think about what their next steps are after high school. Xello is interactive and has great resources about careers, postsecondary options, labor markets, etc.
Prentice School District
1025 Town Street
Prentice, WI 54556
phone: 715.428.2811
fax: 715.428.2815
Prentice School District
1025 Town Street
Prentice, WI 54556
phone: 715.428.2811
fax: 715.428.2815